
Get a collection

GET /people HTTP/1.1

Query string parameters

All query string parameters are optional.

callback string

Wraps the response in a callback function of the given name. Use this parameter to facilitate JSONP requests.

channels comma-separated list of IDs

Return people assigned to the given channels.

excluded_ids comma-separated list of IDs

Returns people, except those with the given IDs.

ids comma-separated list of IDs

Return people with the given IDs.

order_by comma-separated list

Sort people by one or more ORDER_BY and ORDER parameter pairs. Options:

  • ORDER:
    • asc: order from lowest to highest values
    • desc: order from highest to lowest values
    • id: order by person ID
    • list: order by the order of IDs given in the ids parameter
    • publish_date: order by publish date
    • score: order by popularity


Default value: last_name|asc

page integer

Return people from a specific page of a collection.

Default value: 1

per_page integer

Number of people to return per page of a collection. Maximum: 100

Default value: 5

type comma-separated list

Return people of a specific type. Options: faculty_expert, media_rep


In the example response, embedded people are truncated for illustrative purposes. In the real-world version of the response, "...person object..." is an entire person resource.

The person collection
   "_embedded": {
      "people": [
         "...person object...",
         "...person object...",
         "...person object...",
         "...person object...",
         "...person object..."
   "_links": {
      "find": {
         "href": "/people/{?id}",
         "templated": true
      "next": {
         "href": "/people?page=3"
      "prev": {
         "href": "/people?page=1"
      "self": {
         "href": "/people?page=2"
   "page": 1,
   "per_page": 5,
   "return_count": 5,
   "total_available": 100


_embedded hash

Embedded resources.

_embedded.people[] array

An array of person objects.

page integer

The page number of the returned collection.

per_page integer

The number of people requested per page.

return_count integer

Number of people returned.

total_available integer

Total number of people available in the collection.

Get one

GET /people/:id HTTP/1.1

Endpoint parameters

id integer required

The unique identifier of the person.


GET /people/38506
   "_embedded": {
      "faculty_expert_affiliations": null,
      "faculty_expert_topics": null,
      "headshot": null
   "_links": {
      "self": {
         "href": "/people/38506"
   "cell_phone": null,
   "email": "",
   "first_name": "Amesh ",
   "id": 38506,
   "last_name": "Adalja",
   "office_phone": null,
   "slug": "amesh-adalja",
   "title": [
      "Assistant Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health",
      "Senior Scholar, Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security"
   "twitter": "@AmeshAA",
   "type": "faculty_expert",
   "url": ""


_embedded hash

Embedded resources.

_embedded.faculty_expert_affiliations[] array|null

An array of faculty expert affiliations assigned to the person or null if none are assigned.

_embedded.faculty_expert_topics[] array|null

An array of faculty expert topics assigned to the person or null if none are assigned.

_embedded.headshot[] array

An array containing the file assigned as the headshot image of the person or null if not assigned

cell_phone string

email string

first_name string

id integer

Unique identifier of the person.

last_name string

office_phone string

slug string

The last part of the URL that identifies the resource.

title array

An array of titles that describe the person’s job and/or status within Johns Hopkins.

twitter string

The person’s Twitter handle, without the @ prefix.

type string

Type of resource.

url string

Full URL of the person’s profile. Only present faculty_experts types.

Get a subcollection

A subcollection is a collection of objects contained within a person.

GET /people/:id/:subcollection HTTP/1.1

Endpoint parameters

id integer
The unique identifier of the person.
subcollection string

The name of the subcollection to retrieve. Options: articles, or channels

Query string parameters

To filter the subcollection, see the list of available parameters associated with the chosen subcollection:


See the response associated with the chosen subcollection: