Faculty Expert Topics

Non-hierarchical taxonomy used to categorize people, specifically faculty experts.

Get a collection

GET /faculty_expert_topics HTTP/1.1

Query string parameters

All query string parameters are optional.

callback string

Wraps the response in a callback function of the given name. Use this parameter to facilitate JSONP requests.

excluded_ids comma-separated list of IDs

Returns faculty expert topics, except those with the given IDs.

ids comma-separated list of IDs

Return faculty expert topics with the given IDs.

order_by comma-separated list

Sort faculty expert topics by one or more ORDER_BY and ORDER parameter pairs. Options:

  • ORDER:
    • asc: order from lowest to highest values
    • desc: order from highest to lowest values
    • id: order by faculty expert topic ID
    • list: order by the order of IDs given in the ids parameter
    • name: order by term name
    • weight: order by term weight


Default value: name|asc

page integer

Return faculty expert topics from a specific page of a collection.

Default value: 1

per_page integer

Number of faculty expert topics to return per page of a collection. Maximum: 100

Default value: 5

slug comma-separated list

Return faculty expert topics matching the given slug(s).


In the example response, embedded faculty expert topics are truncated for illustrative purposes. In the real-world version of the response, "...faculty expert topic object..." is an entire faculty expert topic resource.

The faculty expert topic collection
   "_embedded": {
      "faculty_expert_topics": [
         "...faculty expert topic object...",
         "...faculty expert topic object...",
         "...faculty expert topic object...",
         "...faculty expert topic object...",
         "...faculty expert topic object..."
   "_links": {
      "find": {
         "href": "/faculty_expert_topics/{?id}",
         "templated": true
      "next": {
         "href": "/faculty_expert_topics?page=3"
      "prev": {
         "href": "/faculty_expert_topics?page=1"
      "self": {
         "href": "/faculty_expert_topics?page=2"
   "page": 1,
   "per_page": 5,
   "return_count": 5,
   "total_available": 100


_embedded hash

Embedded resources.

_embedded.faculty_expert_topics[] array

An array of faculty expert topic objects.

page integer

The page number of the returned collection.

per_page integer

The number of faculty expert topics requested per page.

return_count integer

Number of faculty expert topics returned.

total_available integer

Total number of faculty expert topics available in the collection.

Get one

GET /faculty_expert_topics/:id HTTP/1.1

Endpoint parameters

id integer required

The unique identifier of the faculty expert topic.


GET /faculty_expert_topics/3633
   "_embedded": {},
   "_links": {
      "self": {
         "href": "/faculty_expert_topics/3633"
   "id": 3633,
   "name": "astrophysics",
   "slug": "astrophysics",
   "type": "faculty_expert_topics",
   "url": "https://hub.jhu.edu/experts/topics/astrophysics/"


_embedded hash

Embedded resources.

id integer

Unique identifier of the faculty expert topic.

name string

The nice name of the faculty expert topic.

slug string

The name of the faculty expert topic used in URLs.

type string

Type of resource.

url string

Points to the collection of people in this faculty expert topic on the Hub.

Get a subcollection

A subcollection is a collection of objects contained within a faculty expert topic.

GET /faculty_expert_topics/:id/:subcollection HTTP/1.1

Endpoint parameters

id integer
The unique identifier of the faculty expert topic.
subcollection string

The name of the subcollection to retrieve. Options: people

Query string parameters

To filter the subcollection, see the list of available parameters associated with the chosen subcollection:


See the response associated with the chosen subcollection: